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Reports From The Boer War. Title: Reports From The Boer War. Author: Edgar Wallace. A Project Gutenberg Australia e. Book *. e. Book No.: 1.

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Language: English. Date first posted: January 2. Date most recently updated: January 2. This e. Book was produced by: Roy Glashan. Project Gutenberg Australia e. Books are created from printed editions. Australia, unless a copyright notice.

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Watch A Camp Smithy Online

Edgar Wallace. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY ROY GLASHANThe articles in this collection were originally published in the Daily. Mail. The texts given here are reproduced from newspapers published in New. Zealand. The scanned versions can be viewed at the "Papers. Past" website. which is maintained by the National Library of New Zealand. A link to the. digitised version of each article is provided via the attribution line. In 1. 90. 1 Hutchinson & Co., London, published 4.

Edgar Wallace's. reports from South Africa under the title Unofficial Dispatches Of The. Anglo- Boer War (see dust- jacket illustration above). The present collection. TABLE OF CONTENTSWith Carrington Through Rhodesia. The Eland's River Garrison. The Rebel And The Psalmist.

The Birth Of A Corps. The Better Path. The Coming Of De Wet.

Capetown To- Day—The City Of Refuge. Out On The Veldt—The Death Of Queen. Victoria. Kitchener- The General. Why We Lost De Wet—Three Good Reasons. A Nice War. Profit And Loss—The Invasion Account.

Tragedy—A South African Sketch. That Victorian!—A South African Sketch. Mrs. Reservist. A Bird's Eye View Of The War"Kitchener's The Bloke"A Veldt Aldershot—A Picture Of Bloemfontein.

That Tired Feeling! A Sunday Morning City. In Death's Eye. America's Bid For The Rand.

Sops To Sentiment—Settlement Problems. The Vlakfontein Horror.

The Censorship. A Letter From Brother Boer. The Baser Kind Of Boer. How The Public Is Deprived Of News. Why The War Drags. The Forgotten One Hundred Thousand. A Little Pessimism. The King And His Army.

Lord Kitchener's Proclamation. The Treachery Of Boer Women. The Great War Muddle. An Alarm At Cradock. Moral Of Gough's Defeat. Never Under Fire. The Glorious Story Of Itala.

At A Trial For Treason. What Does The End Mean? Pro Patria—The Empire Builder. Fighting In The Mist. War—From A Saloon Window. Nanayo Full Movie Part 1.

In Search Of A Fight. Justice—How A Traitor Died. The Rocks Ahead—Lord Milner's Difficult. Task. Johannesburg Of Today—Return Of First- Class. Refugees. Christmas Day On The Veldt—Dinner In The. Blockhouses. The Art Of Conspiracy.

The Concentration Camps—A Justification. In Blockhouse Street.

A Little Operation—The Skill Of Hospital 1. Storyettes Of War—The Humourous Side Of The.

Campaign. The Night Of The Drive—In A Blockhouse. Peace Factors—The Justification For A General. Surrender. The Backbone Of The Army. Home Again—The End Of A Period. Back From The War—The Return Of Smithy. Mr Chamberlain's Visit.

Ishmael. Lord Milner—The Autocrat Of South Africa. Africa To- Day—The Beaten Boer. The Slums Of Johannesburg. Soldiers Of Mercy—A Battlefield Pen Picture. Watch Taxi Online Forbes.

Reproduced from The Star (New Zealand), August 1. GOING UP BY THE MASHONALAND RAILWAYTwelve people in a railway carriage, bound northward—a carriage. London tram- car, only not half as comfortable, with.

A sleepy negro boy in limbo and fez squatting on the platform at the end. This is on the road to Marandellas, Sir Frederick Carrington's first camp. Bamboo Creek and Mandegos. The passengers are: three Portuguese officials, who swap lies with many. Somebody Else, illustrated by killing imitations of Somebody Else's.

Rhodesia, but are otherwise perfectly harmless; three. Englishmen on their way to the Umtali.

Hospital with their annual dose of malaria; a Buluwayo stockbroker returning. England; a German lady tricked up in faded finery who speaks English.

French, and Portuguese with suspicious fluency; and myself. WHERE HAVE WE MET? Does the lady object to smoking? The lady does not, and on the strength of.

Hadn't she met me at Beira? No; then perhaps. Paris—then perhaps in London? I emphatically deny ever having. London or in Paris, or, in Timbuktoo—or in Port Said. The nondescripts open a tin of lunch tongue, and the elder. Salisbury. They had also some aged crabs, which they.

The passengers detected these. You remember the Massi- Kassi raid, don't you, sir?"This, after the third application of the three- starred reviver, and is. You talk about raids," went on nondescript senior, glaring at the.

Portuguese trio, " why, when the blooming Portygese. Nobody volunteered to answer this."I know,"—triumphantly—"because I was with Colonel. Heyman—and it was only in '9. Why; if we had our rights the whole of the. Portygese territory would be Rhodesia—though Heaven knows it is only fit. NATURE IN ABANDONOne looks out on the country rolling past.

Great stretches of grassy land. Very beautiful for the eye to see, but the grass hides a. Now. the train winds through a tangled mass of jungle and undergrowth—a. Here rises from the interlacing bush.

It is. Nature in abandon. A covey of partridges rises with a whirr from beneath the. There was forty of us," went on the speaker, pausing a moment to protest. Jim. Harvey was there. You remember Jim Harvey, the butcher of Salisbury, don't you. Arry? Turned miner and blowed hisself up with a dynamite cartridge down at the. Geelong—or it might have been at Shangani—anyhow, he's dead.

Well. there was forty of us, and up come the Portygese army, and that about 9. This was interesting, for my friend the stockbroker had given me a. We was on a hill, somewhere north of Massi- Kassi—old Massi- Kassi, I.

Macequece now—go easy with that meat, Jim. Umtali—and when the colonel saw the.

FEVEROne of the sick men on the floor groaned, and clasped his head between his. Nondescript junior leant over and felt the dry, burning skin with a touch.

Hi, boy "—this to the squatting attendant on the. Manzi."*Then he fumbled in his pockets till he discovered the remedy, which, being. Quinine is a useful thing," went on the elder man, "if you don't take too.

I take whisky myself. Well, up come the Portygese Governor, and he. Colonel. 'Hullo!' he says—he had left his army at the.

Hullo,' he says. 'Do you know where you are?' —and all. Rather fancy I do,' says the Colonel, winkin' at me.

I haven't taken the. I'm under the impression that I'm somewhere off the stormy isle of. Massi- Kassi.'"A QUESTION OF FRONTIERS"'You'll find it pretty, stormy if you don't clear,' says the Gov'nor. Don't you know you're in Portygese territory,' he says."'Can't say that I do,' says the Colonel."'Well, consult your map,' says the Gov'nor."'Don't put no faith in maps says the Colonel; 'fact is, I'm in the. Many's the little bit if Africa I've helped to make. Well,' says the Gov'nor, thinking of his six machine guns at the foot of.

Well,' he says, 'the. I'll think about it.' says the Colonel."'You'd better,' says the Gov'nor. Good afternoon.'"'Won't you have a drink before you go,' says the chief. So they had a. whisky- and- soda, and as they drunk each other's health each says to hisself. To- morrow morning I'll cook your goose, my boy.' What station's this?"A HALT FOR FUELIt isn't a station, but a fuel halt. Watch Kicking It Online Ibtimes.

The fuel used on the Mashonaland. Railway is wood. At every few miles along the line the train passes great. Timber is very plentiful in the Portuguese. One strange feature of. I could see—are wood and water.

We start off again with that jerk, inseparably associated with African. It is getting towards evening, and the aspect of the country has. The smooth, wide grassy plain has given place to. Through the valleys and creeping along the lowland a miasma sluggishly laves.

Alps. above the clouds, and one can almost picture the slumbering village ten.